Horizon Hobbies MB-339 Tip Tank Light Kit


1 pair of 1″ Sky Candy Landing Lights

1 pair of Tip Tank Lenses

1 pair of light housings

1 Tip Tank cut templet

1 Digital Switch

The customer must supply wire extensions and connectors as well as a 4.8v battery

If you have any questions about the install please email us before you begin.

SKU: HHMB339 Category:


Our powerful Sky Candy Landing Lights are now available to fit into the NEW HORIZON HOBBIES MB-339 tip tanks with our new molded clear lenses and housings.The included digital switch lets you plug into any open Ch. in your RX to turn them On & Off from your radio. A 4.8v battery is needed to plug into the digital switch to power the landing lights.

*INSTALL AT YOUR OWN RISK!  We will not be responsible for any mistakes made with your installation.